Year-Round Packing Guide
This year, we will be collecting certain items each month throughout the year for the Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes. This is a great way to maximize your savings by picking up a few things at a time each month and as they go on sale instead of buying everything all at once during the busiest time of the year. You can drop of your items in one of the designated boxes as you enter the building.
In November, we will gather all the items that have been collected and will pack them into shoeboxes together during a packing party!
This will be a fun time for everyone involved.
All ages are encouraged to come.
Date and Time - TBA
Please be mindful of the following restrictions:
Beginning in 2017, no type of candy can be included in shoe box gifts.
Beginning in 2017, toothpaste cannot be included in shoe box gifts, but a child’s oral hygiene can still be improved by regular use of a toothbrush alone.
As Always, Do Not Include:
Candy; toothpaste; used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns, knives or military figures; chocolate or food; fruit rolls or fruit snacks; drink mixes (powdered or liquid); liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans.
Packing Party
Date: November 5, 2017
Time: 1:00 pm
Location: Fellowship Hall @ Hillcrest Baptist Church
October 2017 -
Items Still Needed
Clothing Items of Every Size
(2-4, 5-9, 10-14)
Girl Toys for Every Age
(2-4, 5-9, 10-14)
Hygiene Items
(especially toothbrush holders & soap holders)
School Supplies
(EXCEPT CRAYONS. We have plenty of those)
Also, go ahead and gather a personal picture to include in your box as well as a handwritten note/card of some sort.
September 2017 -
Your Choice
WOW Items
Clothing and Accessories
Non-Liquid Hygiene Items
Quality Crafts
School Supplies
Toys & Games
You can refer to all of the previous
lists for ideas and regulations.
This is a good opportunity to grab whatever you can find on sale or catch up on any months you may have missed.
Also, you can take this time to write a prayerful letter or note and gather a photo that you would like to share. These personal touches can often mean just as much to the children as anything else they receive in their boxes.
August 2017 -
Ideas include but are not limited to:
Jump Ropes
Bouncy Balls
Card Games
Travel-Sized Boards Games
Music Toys
Don't Forget:
** Absolutely no war-related items such as toy guns, knives or military figures.
JUNE & JULY 2017 -
School supplies
** This is the perfect time of year to find school supplies on sale, sometimes for only $0.01! **
Ideas include but are not limited to:
Pencils & Pencil Pouches
Pencil Sharpeners & Erasers
Crayons, Colored Pencils, Markers, Highlighters
Kid-Safe Scissors
Glue Sticks
Small Notebooks
Chalk Board With Chalk
Dry Erase Board With Dry Erase Markers
Flash Cards & Index Cards
May 2017 -
Quality Crafts
Ideas include but are not limited to:
Crocheted/Knitted Items
Homemade Bows
Homemade Toys
Homemade Dolls/Doll Clothes
No-Sew Projects
Small Craft Kits
Art Projects
April 2017 -
Ideas include but are not limited to:
Toothbrush Holders
Hair Brushes & Combs
Wash Cloths
Dry Stick Deodorant
Bar Soap
Don't Forget:
** Beginning in 2017, toothpaste cannot be included in shoe box gifts, but a child’s oral hygiene can still be improved by regular use of a toothbrush alone.
** And as always, NO LIQUID ITEMS such as bubble bath, body wash, mouth wash or perfume/cologne.
March 2017 -
Clothing & Accessories
Ideas include but are not limited to:
Hair Clips
Etc .
February 2017 -
Wow Item
Ideas include but are not limited to:
Stuffed Animals
Fun Pillow
(The "wow" item should be something that will catch the child's eye as soon as they open the box - something cuddly or colorful and not too small is what you should aim for)
February 9, 2017
Orphans and Children in Poverty Hear the Gospel
Children in Myanmar receive Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts and learn about God's love.
November 17, 2016
Packing Party Becomes Day of Salvation
The lives changed by shoebox gifts aren’t always just on the receiving end. Meet a teenager in Chicago who was saved at a packing party.
November 8, 2016
Small Church Makes Exponential Kingdom Investment
A Texas congregation of 25 packs 5,173 Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts and also volunteers with Samaritan’s Purse U.S. Disaster Relief.