Worship Service - Homecoming - 64th year that Hillcrest has been ministering to the needs of this community and the body of Christ.
We wish to recognize all who have been a part of Hillcrest and followed the call to fulfill the Great Commission. During this time, we will reminisce over the history of this special church through pictures and songs. We will conclude this worship service with the reading and teaching of God’s Word.
To express our gratitude of your participation in this tradition, we will continue this day with a “pot-luck” meal and a time of prayer. This will be a time of renewing fellowship and sparking friendships as we enjoy each other’s company and tell about the greatness of our King, Jesus.
At the conclusion of our meal, we will end our day of worship in a time of prayer, thanking God for His blessings, acknowledging Christ as our Cornerstone, and praying that the Spirit will lead us to be “on mission” for the sake of the Cross.