Seeking Director of Music

Hillcrest Baptist Church, Raleigh NC

Hillcrest Baptist Church is seeking a skilled, energetic Christian person to serve part-time as music director and worship leader. This person will provide leadership in all areas of music in the church. Hillcrest is a small congregation with approximately 50 members with an average attendance of about 40 members. The ideal candidate will:

  • Model Christian discipleship;

  • Lead church members and visitors to use their spirit-given gifts in worship of God through music and the arts;

  • Plan for uplifting and creative music experiences using a blended music approach;

  • Supervise and provide guidance to accompanists;

  • Maintain approachability and flexibility;

  • Collaborate with the pastor and church leaders; and

  • Explore the creative use of music in worship and church ministry.


Ability to maintain and conduct choirs. Be able to blend different music styles in worship service. Be able to select music and train musicians and choirs.


Experience in directing choirs and organizational skills. Bachelor’s degree is not a requirement, but would be advantageous.

Experience Qualifications:

Possess experience in:

  • Choral conducting,

  • Instrumental conducting;

  • Planning worship; and

  • Provide a broad range of music offerings.

Please submit your resume and any questions to

Donna Oakley, Chair of the Personnel Committee 


Phone: 919-539-5619